Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

Why Dental Hygiene Is Important for Pets

While you may understand the importance of maintaining your dental health, did you know your pet’s dental hygiene is also crucial for its overall health? Poor dental health in pets can lead to pain, less vitality, and even severe health issues. Fortunately, your veterinarian near you at Artemis Veterinary in Northborough, MA, offers dog and cat dental care to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy. We are here to tell you about the importance of dental hygiene in pets and how you can improve it.

Dental Problems and Their Symptoms

Pet ownership brings joy along with the responsibility to ensure your pet receives proper dental and general health care. This care starts with understanding common dental problems and symptoms to watch out for.

Frequent dental problems pets experience include bleeding gums, loose or broken teeth, and periodontal disease. Dogs often experience bad breath, discolored teeth, and difficulty chewing when dealing with dental issues. Cats may show signs of dental problems through consistent drooling or bloody saliva, unwillingness to chew dry food, and excessive pawing at the mouth.

Pet Dental Hygiene Practices

The best way to maintain your pet’s dental hygiene is a combination of regular exams and at-home dental practices. Dental exams allow our vet to check your pet’s teeth and gums for signs of dental disease or other concerns. If we find problems requiring immediate attention, our vet may schedule a teeth cleaning or other cat or dog dentistry service to prevent long-term health complications. Tooth extractions may be necessary if your pet has loose or decaying teeth to prevent bacteria from entering the bloodstream.

Preventing dental health issues begins with regularly brushing your pet’s teeth. Although your pet may initially resist brushing, you can train it to accept and enjoy brushing. Be sure to use toothpaste formulated for pets that reduce tartar and plaque buildup. Additionally, you can use dental chews and treats to clean your pet’s teeth. Our vet can recommend these based on your pet’s species and needs.

Schedule a Cat or Dog Teeth Cleaning Today at Artemis Veterinary

If you are searching for a “veterinarian near you” for high-quality cat or dog dental care, look no further than Artemis Veterinary in Northborough, MA. Our vet can protect your pet’s teeth and smile with teeth cleanings and other dental services, so call us and schedule an appointment at our animal clinic today at (617) 939-8172 to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy.

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